Reflective Practice as a learning space…

Reflective practice as a teacher is a crucial aspect of effective teaching. It is important as teachers to reflect on the elements of a lesson as well as the teaching, evaluating what worked well and what didn’t, as well as how you can improve on the things that didn’t work so well. This results in continuous improvement for teaching and learning for both the teacher and the students. Many schools have different strategies in order to encourage this reflective practice and continuous improvement. For example, some schools have other teachers or the principal sit in on a lesson and provide constructive feedback. This allows the teacher to know where they need to develop and improve on their teaching or organisation skills. Therefore this learning from others, and sharing of ideas can be seen as a learning space. This is beneficial to all involved. It gets the teachers more aware of their teaching and lesson content, has the assessing teachers more aware of the skills and strategies that work and don’t work which they can then use themselves in their teaching. Also it ensures that the students are getting quality lessons and learning opportunities.

3 thoughts on “Reflective Practice as a learning space…

  1. Reflection is an integral aspect of teaching and learning. Asking questions, evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and identifying needs. Reflection also provides an opportunity for research and professional development. Your post provides and provokes some great thinking and epitomises how important it is in education.
    Kind regards

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  2. Just a small comment on your discussion about the principal sitting in on lessons.

    I am currently working as a teachers aid in a local school in Ballarat, and I was recently fortunate enough to be a part of a strategy the school use to reflect on not only their teaching on the day, but the further teaching that needs to be address and the knowledge and development of the students called ‘Lesson studies’. This involves the teacher to teach a prepared lesson as per usual, with four other teaching and learning staff apart of the classroom observing the lesson, then later sitting as a group to discuss all aspects of the lesson, that is the ability of the teacher and students and future requirements! I LOVED it, i found it to be a very successful way to inform all those involved teaching (most importantly ME!)

    Cheers, Haylee 🙂

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